PACT Analysis - Neuroon Networks

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

PACT Analysis

Pact Components

  • People: who will use their System and product.
  • Activities: that people need to undertake.
  • Context: in which those activities take place.
  • Technologies: that need.

People use technologies to undertake activities in contexts.


People are the first part in the PACT framework. Since there are so many different types of differences among people these are divided into three different categories
  1. Physical differences
     characteristics like different personalities and different cognitive skills and preferences along with physical differences includes here.
  2. Psychological differences
      People differ in many ways when it comes to psychological differences. For instance some people are more logical then others and then have a much easier time feeling at home when visiting a health care system then those who are less logical.
  3. Usage differences
        Differences in usage covers for instance when an expert and novice use technology and that they use it in different ways. Users that are good i using a system they become experts in no time since they use it a lot whereas novice users need guidance when interaction with technology.


Activities can be divided into smaller parts such as temporal aspects, cooperation, complexity, security critical and the nature of the content. 

Temporal aspects means how frequent a certain activity is performed. The more you perform an activity the more you learn and the easier it gets. For health care systems like health care ones it is important for designers to make the design and readability as clear and simple as possible so that 18 many people can use the health care system without the need of help.

Complexity covers the topic of how well-defined the tasks are when performing tasks on a health care system.

Security Critical covers the area of if a mistake is done if it could result in an accident or some sort of injury. It is important that the designer pays attention so that there is no risk of anyone getting injured by making a mistake.


When performing activities you always do it in some sort of context, which means you have to take one part into consideration when analyzing the 19 other. There are three types of contexts that can be clearly identifiable
  1. Physical environment
     The physical environment is the actual place where the activity takes place. For instance, it might be outdoors, indoors, in a zoo or wherever.
  2. Social context
     Social context covers the area of how the surroundings around the activity looks like. For instance are there any manuals to help you to perform your activities or maybe there are other people there who can help you perform your activity.
  3. Organizational context
     Organizational context is all about where you work. This means that you do your activities in different places, different times and so on.


The last part of the PACT analysis is the technologies part. Technologies in the PACT analysis is divided into four different parts; input, output, communication and content.

When talking about input devices the way the users enter data and instructions is what is meant.

After having considered what input methods are to be used, just as important are the output devices.

The communication in technologies refers to how people communicate with devices.

The content concerns the form that the data in the system takes. The way that people wants to see content is that it is up-to-date, accurate and presented in a good manner.

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